Saturday, July 5, 2014

Weekend Recap

Disclaimer: I've been super lazy lately. This happened LAST weekend...not this weekend...ahem...

How was everyone's weekend? We had a busy one, but it was a blast! Here's a recap of everything that happened..and a lot of pictures...sorry...


We started off our weekend at the Air Show with my mom and my nephew Cam. It was pretty warm and crowded but I just pretended like we were in Disneyland haha! Hill Air Force Base did an awesome job! 

Look how huge this plane is!!! It's insane!!

We were able to see the new F-22's, which were pretty cool. Brody had a ton of fun. Anything that flies is his thing. It was awesome to see how excited he was. 

Everyone take note at how hot he looks in aviators...ok carry on...

The Thunderbirds performed and totally blew everyone away! They were absolutely amazing! Plus there's a woman pilot in the Thunderbirds, which is totally badass...If you ever get the chance to watch the Thunderbirds I highly recommend it! Their teamwork is amazing and they are all extremely good at what they do.


Sunday we went over to my mom's for a BBQ and swimming. Brody and I were pretty sunburnt from the airshow the day before so we didn't want to swim too much. I just put my feet in the pool. But it was nice to relax and enjoy some more family time. 


 We had a ton of fun with my sister, her fiancee, my mom and my nephew!

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