Monday, June 2, 2014

Disney Movie of the Week: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

A new tradition here at Plenty of Sunshine, is our Disney Movie of the Week. To kick of our DMOTW, I thought it would be absolutely fitting to start with the one that "Started it all".  As the first full length animated film, Snow White made well deserved history. And it is a pretty timeless movie. We still sing the songs, know the characters and fall in love with the story 77 years later! I think Snow White truly deserves her title of, "Fairest of them all"! 

What We love: In my opinion, Snow White is freakin adorbs. Seriously. Not only does she have golden pipes, but she also has a golden personality. She is so darn nice! Who just walks into a house and starts cleaning it? Um. I would not...I don't even clean my own house. She definitely takes care of the dwarfs and all of her woodland creature friends! 

What We Don't Love: Creepy old witch much? She still scares the socks off of me! Plus she is so not nice, like Snow White. Come on now, who wants to kill a sweet young lady like Snow? 

With A Smile and A Song: There are so many great songs in this movie. Heigh-Ho and Someday My Prince Will Come are songs that we still sing along to today. Not only are they catchy, but songs like "I'm Wishing" teaches us to keep dreaming and to take advantage of moments when we are by a well.. 

Favorite Characters: Dopey is definitely a favorite. He is so cute! Not only is he fun, but he shows that you don't need to say a word to make a big impact. 

Once Upon A Time: I think Snow White is one of the most under-rated princesses, so I LOVED when they made her the centerpiece for ABC's Once Upon A Time! I also love the fun twist they gave her when it came to her personality. I love Snow with spunk! 

Scary Adventures: At Disneyland, they have Snow White's Scary Adventures, a ride that takes you through the story of Snow White. I was pretty surprised how scary it actually was! I was 14 the first time I went on it and I screamed a few times! I still jump every now and then! Parents of littles be warned: I would say children under 8 might get a little too scared. If you think your child can handle it then go for it, but if they get scared easily, I would wait. At Walt Disney World they just opened the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. It look so cool! I haven't been to Disney World yet, but I heard great reviews from everyone who has been on the ride. Has anyone else been on the ride? Tell me about it! 

You can check out some fun facts about the movie here.

I'm so happy that Snow White is my first Disney Movie of The Week. She definitely needs some kudos for having some great friends, great songs, and she ages super well! Sit down tonight with your loved ones (or like me, by myself because Brody refuses to watch Snow White) and watch this great classic movie and tell me in the comments below some of your favorite moments!  

Hint for Next Weeks DMOTW: Once Upon a Time in New York City...

All photos (except Disney Movie of The Week Image and Snow White's Scary Adventure image) are credited to the Walt Disney Company. 

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